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Masculin Nombre de messages : 561
Age : 42
Localisation : Au paradis et en enfer, en meme temps...déliiire non?
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2007

MessageSujet: THOMAS TRUAX   THOMAS TRUAX Icon_minitimeSam 26 Jan - 7:44

Ouai j'avais deja parlé une fois du type mais j'en reparle, puisque j'ecoute ca maintenant.


Mais qui est il?

Un type un peu etrange que j'ai vu il y a 2 ans au moins, putain le temps passe vite quand meme. Putain ouai c'etait en en mai-juin 2006, et on est en 2008. Bordel de merde jvieilli en plus..c'est pas possible! Bon jvai arreter de jurer..ptain..fais chier bordel de cul..ca trou le cul quand meme..putain de merde quoi. Jveux plus avancer en age stop on arrete. REvenons a nos moutons...

Bon, ce soir la je devais voir les Dresden dolls au Fri-son et en premiere partie et bien il jouait avec un Hornicator et une Spinsister ou qqch dans le genre. Ce type est un songwriter(ecriveur de chanson), artiste en tout cas qui fabrique ou retravail ses instruments, donc un Hornicator qui est une espece de haut parleur pour gramophone traficotez, et la spinsister une roue electrique qui tourne et tourne et tourne mon dieu mais ca arrete pas de tourner ..et en plus ca fait office de batterie. Euh le resultat un truc un peu decalé loin d'avoir atteint la perfection, mais la perfection c'est chiant..donc c'est surprenant rafraichissant, onirique qui navigue dans des ambiances entre folk et surrealisme made in 1928. Fin bref c'est une sorte de croisement entre Nick Cave, (est il toujours a la cave??mouhaha rire et jeté une piece dans mon chapeau sivouplé) et Tom Waits..Oui il y a un je ne sais quoi de ressemblant. Si vous ne connaissez ni l'un ni l'autre et bien google est ton ami padawan apprenti.

Donc il y a la musique, les instruments et le show, car c'est un artiste qui se goute sur des petites scenes de preference, etant donné qu'il parle anglais et que je capte queue-dalle a cette langue en audition, je n#ai pas compris le pourquoi de la simulation de son suicide, pourquoi il prend sa gratte descend de la scene pour se ballader dans le public en y jouant, et pas compris la longue poesie du papillon et de l'entomologiste.
Snif dommage


Out on the road I met a butterfly
She had a fantastic wingspan, almost two feet wide
She'd recently been injured and she could not fly
So she asked me if she could bum a ride

In the old shell of her chrysalis she carried her things
She tossed it in the back and stretched her beautiful wings

She sat there next to me with her front legs on the dashboard
Those wings folded behind her and her little head cocked forward

She told me her story, a price was on her head
This bastard entomologist pursued her live or dead
He'd vowed to hunt her down as there was a large reward
He'd captured her and drugged her and nailed her to a board

Her escape was narrow, she'd torn through her own wing
She saw my look of horror and she started to sing
"I'm going to a no man's land Because men and violence are intertwined"
Well, I see, I said.

But not all men are violent
I'm not a violent man myself
She laughed and said try not to get too attached to me
'Cause soon I will be well and I will fly away from thee

One night when we had stopped into a diner for a meal

She laughed and laughed about the plastic flowers on the tables
I started seeing through her eyes the passing desert scenery
She watched the birds and tumbleweeds
With fondness and with envy

We came across some sad road kill, a beautiful coyote
She sighed her butterfly sigh and once again sang softly:
"I'm going to a no man's land Because men and violence are intertwined"
Next morning as I came out of a Texaco station,

I saw she wasn't at the car, and I figured she had run
Then I heard her high squeal and I heard his low laughter
"You'll never out run me" he said, "you are the girl I'm after."
I chased down the sound to the side of the station,

She was cornered between the wall and a soda machine
I moved as if by instinct, I did it without thought
I clipped him and I kicked him
And I grabbed him 'round the throat

I pinned him to the wall and his eyes were bulging wide
I said if there's a next time I will see YOU crucified
With this I released him and he crumpled to the ground
The butterfly was gone again when I turned around

But then her little song drew our attention to the sky

Though with a certain lack of grace she had begun to fly
That was the last I saw of her, she never said goodbye

She just flapped off and disappeared
While singing with a sigh
"I'm going to a no man's land Because men and violence are intertwined"

Bon assez causé vous attendez les liens hein?

Prove it to my daughter

inside the internet

Shooting stars

Why Dogs Howl at the moon

The Butterfly & The Entomologist

You Whistle While You Sleep

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